Friday, April 9, 2010

Stille Nacht

Accrued, Babysitters lip gloss, Cadillac (black), Dizzy spell, Entropy,
Flying over treetops on the back of a giant pig, Gator wrestling, Hiccup, Intuit, Janus,
Killing time, Loose women,
Men of great renown, Near enough, Odilion Redon, Patti Smith, QUEEN,
Right Down the Line,
Steven Vallot, Torture, Usually in French, Velour interior, Wiccan wand, Xanth,
Yellow taffeta,
Zinc iron oxide.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Additionally, Bruising, Crusade, Dank, Epileptic fit, Fargo, Gypsum weed, Heloise, Iphis, Jerusalem, Karen Carpenter, Legubrious, Middle Earth, Nervous Nellie,
Over under over under, Per chance, Quirinus, Rex, Smack that,Talmud Scholar,
Up in my Lamborghini, Vestments, Wanting, Xnoopy, Ying yang, Zuni