Friday, March 28, 2014


Aspirin, Basement,
 Casein, Detriment, 
Egg cream, Faggots, Gel, Hieroglyph, 
I'll tell Mom and Dad,
 Japan drier, Kleptomaniac, Little sister, 
Marie, Nobody can hear you anyway, 
Ovule, Penury,
 Quimpering, Red carpet piling,
 Shh sh sh, 
Tummy, UNO, Vaginal insertion, 
XXX, You're not tall enough, 
Zoe's coming over.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

ABCing U

Ailment, Babbling brook, Catheter tube, Demeter,
 Eponine, Faggy, Gethsemane, Heidegger, Iridum, 
Japanese paper fan, Kale, Lipids, Man-o-war, Nappies, 
Opiates, Poodles, Quasar, Resplendent, Stuuuuuupid, 
Tuck game, Uvula, Vagaries, 
Why won't you look at me?, 
Xanth, Yes, Zilch

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

ABC u soon

Applesauce, Barium, Crankypants, Derry, 
Ergo sum, Fat, Gambling debt, Hillbilly boy, Inky, 
Japon, Killdeer, Lavender mist, Mapplethorpe, Nog, 
Opine, Plop, Quizlet, Rama, Stupified, 
Tanqueray, Usable, Vanguard, Wuzz, 
Xander, Zamboni.

Friday, April 5, 2013



Apples to oranges,B.a.n.a.n.a.s.,Clumps, 
Detrimental, Egregiously, Facts of life, 
Goaded it along, Heliocentrism, I had a feeling, 
Jessica sighed longingly and looked into the glass, 
Kamila, Lavender sachet, Metric, Nobody knows, 
Opal brooch, Pffft, Queen Queenie, Retold, 
  Stick in the mud, Tug-o-war, Ulterior,
 Ventana, Windy has stormy,
 Xxy, YPTTSIAY, zany!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Affluence, Boredom, Catheter,
 Deal with it, Epilepsy, Fuckin' this fuckin' that, 
Growing up, Here and there, Inefficient technique, 
Jeepers, Kremlin, Lamia, Moonstone,
No. N. O., Originality, Possessiveness, 
Quickly, Remembrances, S.T.F.U.,
Take a seat, Under the old oak tree, 
Vampires are real, Why bother, Xoot,
You're gonna miss me, Zealot.